Group photo | Cannabis Embassy Campus Vienna 2024: Popular Education on Drug Policy Advocacy | Cannabis Embassy – Legatio Cannabis — 大麻大使馆 — سفارة القنب

The Cannabis Embassy Campus Vienna is a popular education programme on drug policy advocacy & anti-prohibition literacy.

🌱✨ A dynamic and enlightening learning experience exploring the rich history and future of the United Nations drug control & global grassroots cannabis civil society movements.

The first edition was held on 13 March 2024 at Wohlmut Arts Centre, Vienna, Austria, a day prior to the start of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs’ 67th meeting & High Level Segment.

The Campus sessions were attended by participants from Aotearoa-New Zealand, Austria, Brazil, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Session 1 International Law + Stories & history of the global grassroots cannabis civil society movement

→ International Law & United Nations 101 (45 min.)

  • International Law
  • Self-executing treaties
  • Inter-governmental organisations
  • The United Nations family
  • How the UN is organised
  • Not all IGO is UN
  • UN drug control agencies
  • The International Narcotics Control Board
  • UN health agency: WHO
  • Other UN agencies concerned with plants and people using them

→ International Cannabis Law – advanced (1h)

  • Analysis of the legal regime for cannabis contained in the drug control instruments (1961 Single Convention, 1971 Convention, 1988 UN Convention).

→ Anti-prohibitionist activism at the UN, 1998–2024 (1h30)

  • Before 1998: first grassroots cannabis opposition to drug treaties (1964, 1990) and lead-up to UNGASS 1998 (1987, 1988, 1990)
  • UNGASS 1998
  • Early 2000s: Changes in UN drug control apparatus & birth of civil society movements
  • 2008 and the one year delay
  • 2009: a new recycled 10-year anti-drug plan
  • 2012 to 2016: of Cages & Kaffeeschnüffler

Session 2 Legacy & Biopiracy: Cannabis, International Law, & Intellectual Property

→ People, Plants, and Intellectual Property (IP): a short History (1h)

  • Basic terms & definitions (based on two WIPO documents)

  • Introduction to the history of treaties on “genetic resources”

  • Plants and plant’s reproductive materials = seeds & cuts & genomic information

  • History of treaties in the field (videos by Geoff Tansey & Guy Kasler)

  • Basic types of classic IP (patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyright) and new forms/issues (plant variety protection rights, DSI)

  • What is Biopiracy? The value of GR & TKs: Immaterial assets & specific modalities of access; What is bioprospecting; When bioprospecting turn into Biopiracy.

→ Current International Law landscape of IP Privileges on Legacy & Craft Cannabis (1h15)

  • Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) & Nagoya Protocol
  • FAO’s Plant Treaty/Seed Treaty (International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture – ITPGRFA)
  • World Trade Organisation/TRIPs Agreement
  • Introduction to World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) [the UNODC of IP]
  • UPOV [the INCB of seeds / sometimes called Monsanto treaty] and Breeders’ Privileges (Plant Variety Protection Rights)
  • Digital Sequence Information (Int’l law on GRs II)
  • Other: Patents, Human Rights, CITES

→ Aotearoa Case Study (1h – By Jenna-Rose Astwood, Tū Wairua project)

  • Concern w/ biopiracy: Protection of TK & TK holders/practitionners

  • Appropriation

  • Protection of biological heritage

  • Lack of protective mechanisms

  • A discussion on the use of term “GR”.

→ GRATK Treaty, the IGC and its treaty-making work (45 min.)

→ Conclusion: Cannabis, TK, GR, and us – open discussion (cancelled)

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