Cannabis Embassy Proclamation –– Our team of activists from all over the world has been defending the rights & dignity of Cannabis and people since the UN General Assembly anti-drug session of 1998.
On Sunday 17 March 2024, the first General Assembly of the Cannabis Embassy [1st Parliament meeting] was held at the Wohlmut Arts Centre, Vienna (Austria) in parallel of the United Nations’ 67th Commission on narcotic drugs (CND).
Following one year of preparation, delegates from Austria, Aotearoa-New Zealand, Canada, Czech republic, France, Germany, South Africa, Spain, gathered in Vienna on day 5 of the “Cannabis Embassy Campus Vienna” event associated with the 67th CND, and decided to proclaim the Cannabis Embassy as a sui generis ad’hoc independent State without a territory (similarly to the status of the Sovereign Order of Malta).
A second Parliament meeting will be held before 20 April 2025 to reconsider the entity’s status and, if so decided, adopt a Constitution.
Cannabis Embassy Proclamation
Decision 2024/GA1/1
The Mission Statement and name [official and common names] are approved.
Decision 2024/GA1/2
Decision 2024/GA1/3
The Definitions of Terms are approved temporarily. Final definitions will be included in the Constitution.
- Cannabis Embassy – A sui generis ad’hoc independent State without a territory, valid for a period of one year, to be reconsidered before 20 April 2025.
- Cannabis – Hemp [or any other of its vernacular names].
- Cannabis Citizen – Any individual involved in any manner with the plant or its products, aware and respectful of all other individuals involved in their own ways with cannabis.
- Cannabis Diplomat – Any activist who has presented truth to power on cannabis issues within the United Nations in furtherance of their national/local activism, and is recognized by his/her peers.
- Cannabis Ambassador – A Cannabis Diplomat that has presented multiple times within the United Nations, is working on an ongoing international plan of action, and/or is recognized by his/her peers.
Decision 2024/GA1/4
- Cannabis Embassy Government (currently: Michael Krawitz (USA), Myrtle Clarke (South Africa), Farid Ghehiouèche (France), Kenzi Riboulet-Zemouli (Spain), Hanka Gabrielová (Czechia), Jan Marin Padouk (Czechia), Etienne Fontan (USA))
- Cannabis Embassy Senate [Advisory Council] (currently 15 persons from Aotearoa-New Zealand, Canada, Czechia, Mexico, Nepal, Switzerland, UK, USA)
- Cannabis Embassy Parliament [international network of networks; meeting of Cannabis Embassy’s Government and Senate members in addition to representatives of NGOs and the private sector]
- NGOs will be invited to register in a future Cannabis Embassy NGO registry, and companies will be invited to join a future Private Sector Advisory Council.
In memoriam
Continuing the good works & teachings of our dear friends who left us too early, and who were remembered on 17 March during the Cannabis Embassy Proclamation: Jules Stobbs, Erec Ortmann, Hester Kooistra, Joep Oomen, Tseli Khiba, Dion Markgraaff, and others.